The Republican command-staff exercise “Kys-2015”


From 4 to 6th of November under the leadership of the deputy minister of internal affairs the republican command-staff exercise “Kys-2015” was carried out in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

          In compliance with Government Decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 17 January 2003 №50 “On approval of rules of informing, promotion of knowledge, education of the population and experts in the field of emergency situations” and for the purpose of improvement of organization of the state system of civil protection, as well as the preparation of management, forces and means, from 4 to 6 November   2015 in the Republic of Kazakhstan under the leadership of the deputy minister of internal affairs the republican command-staff  exercise “Kys-2015” was held.

         On the basis of organizational instructions of First Vice - Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan U. Karabalin №10 - 03 - 6758 dated November 5, 2015, as well as on the basis of organizational instructions of akim of Atyrau region  B. Izmuhambetov № 01-02-2 / 8739 dated October 27, 2015, "Atyrau Refinery" LLP participated in this republican command-staff  exercise “Kys-2015”.

         According to an order of the refinery №611 dated 04.11.2015, deputy general director for production - chief engineer Denis Kozyrev was appointed  the head of the exercise.  Chief of the Emergency Situations and Civil Defense Erlan Kikbayev was appointed the chief of staff of the exercises.

        The topic of the exercise was: "Preparation of governing bodies and forces of the state system of civil protection to actions on prevention and liquidation of emergency situations in winter conditions."

        During preparation and carrying out of the exercise it was being planned work with such questions as:

-         increase of the level of willingness and ability of industry sub-systems of the State System of Civil Protection and the population to liquidation of emergency situations in winter conditions;

-         improving the coherence in work of sectoral sub-systems of civil protection on managing subordinates in conditions of violation of functioning of critical infrastructure;

-         check of readiness of services and formations of civil protection to emergency response of the winter period;

-         holding of meetings of committees on prevention and elimination of emergency situations with consideration of the adoption measures to prevent a deaths and harm to human health, as well as  on improvement of operational response to threats and emergency situations and decrease their consequences;

-         organization of cooperation with organizations, responsible for the operation and maintenance of roads, for the purpose of carrying out evacuation of victims and their life support.

            On November 6,  2015 in the crisis center of the department for emergency situations of Atyrau region  deputy akim of the region Salimzhan Nakpayev heard reports of heads of the headquarters.

            "Atyrau Refinery" LLP coped with all tasks and showed excellent results in the republican exercise in terms of preparation of the life support objects in winter conditions.

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